Our experienced import staff can handle your air & ocean Customs Clearances, and deal with the complex customs tariffs and regulations that control our UK imports.

Our experienced import staff can handle your air & ocean Customs Clearances, and deal with the complex customs tariffs and regulations that control our UK imports.
Our computerized direct electronic link to HM Revenue & Customs will enable our staff to obtain clearance of your shipment within a short period of time after the cargo has arrived.
Airfreight shipments are normally cleared virtually immediately once the airline has located your shipment and created a customs record (Status 1). Delivery will normally be made to your Door within 24 hours of the clearance, subject to payment of all outstanding charges.
Ocean freight shipments are only cleared, once the Shipping Line or Groupage Container operator have discharged the container at the quay or at their depots. With direct electronic customs links at all UK ports, we are able to clear shipments within a short period, subject to receiving all relevant shipping documentation prior to the vessel arriving.
Our staff are happy to discuss all aspects of your import shipment, and will always endeavor to provide the quickest clearance service available to you & thereby avoid paying unnecessary airline and port storage fees.